[NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

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[NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

I am posting, or rather re-posting this in the Journey thread after originally having posted my story in response to another member's thread. He and I both seem destined to be headed toward "enjoying" the ultimate fantasy, "permanent" denial.

Briefly, my now wife and I had been workmates, and then best friends while she was in a monogamous relationship with a woman. After her relationship broke down, we were intimate on the rebound, and she became pregnant on what was essentially the first try (not really, but practically). We decided to marry and try to make a go of it despite her sexual orientation. We were able to develop a very hot romantic life, but, like another member's wife, my wife has always hated phallocentric sex.

Over time, years, I reduced my intercourse requests as much as I could and supplemented my lack with masturbation. My wife never liked this and has always felt that if she could give up women, I should be able to give up masturbation.

My wife is sexually very submissive, and I have come to be fairly Dom, a situation that should lead to head-banging sex, except she really doesn't like intromissive sex, and hates semen - even the smell, which she is inordinately sensitive to, makes her practically nauseated.

Years ago we moved towards me performing oral sex on her as almost our exclusive means of fulfilling our love for each other, and we do love each other. This has always been difficult for me to do without PIV because my wife likes me to be very Dom, but she also hates PIV. It was almost impossible for me to just take her, "force" oral sex on her, but then not penetrate her since giving her oral makes me lose my mind practically.

My wife has always been somewhat disgusted/amused by erections and by my testicles. Fortunately she does love my muscles and the fact that I'm bigger and stronger than her. She just hates the penis. And, of course, she HATES the smell of cum.

I decided I would try using a device about three months ago, and it made her very happy and really increased our sex life, albeit with virtually no orgasms for me. With the device, I can now do oral on her without forcing PIV on her.

There are several positives. She is happier with me and closer to me than we've ever been - I mean ever. Even our daughter noticed it, and she likes it, I think it makes my daughter feel more secure. Also, while I have always loved eating my wife, it has taken on a whole new level of importance in my world. Now the smell of her excitement makes me insane, and the taste is the only thing that keeps me going.

Unlike many of the wives described on this board, my wife has a strong libido, it's just directed away from the penis. She likes me to "take" her, pick her up and carry her into the bedroom or lift her onto the table and make love to her orally till she screams, just without my penis being in any way involved. This "force" is maybe the one thing she loves about being with a man rather than a woman. Before chastity I would either just stop (so difficult - but I've done it), guilt her into intercourse, which completely ruined the afterglow for her, or left the room (because of the smell) to masturbate, which was less bad, but still undesirable.

Now, I feel like a racehorse trembling at the gate, except I never get to run! This leads to a cycle where I go back down on her to another series of orgasms for her. And the cycle repeats. Fortunately we have enough privacy (most of the time) and her libido is high enough that my tongue quits before she does.

One member's story resonated so strongly with me that I shared it with my wife. That member is starting permanent chastity, and the idea of having, as my wife put it, "all the benefits of a man" without the downside - the penis- inspired my wife to research chastity options because my cage tends to hurt and chafe. She has a lot of lesbian friends who are piercers, and she is thinking of some type of piercings that would accommodate some sort of rings. She claims a friend of a friend did this.

She has offered to have two more babies as an incentive, since she has always worried that our marriage was unstable because I might cheat due to lack of sex for me. She says if we can work out a reasonably permanent, undefeatable chastity mechanism, she will consider our marriage as stable and have more kids.

I should add at this point that, as much as I love my wife, the piercings that her friends have suggested all take MONTHS to heal and I'm not willing to have a wound on my penis for months. If anyone can suggest a reasonable alternative, feel free to let me know in the comments.
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by Shepherdsflock »

Why does it have to involve piercing? If it's just a personal preference, I can respect that, but it's not like it's necessary. As far as I know, I'll be in a Holy Trainer for the foreseeable future.
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by Shepherdsflock »

There are other "reasonable alternatives". Permanent locktite in the lock. You could just be expected to use some self control like I am. Though I am locked 24/7 except for daily cleaning and any vigorous exercise, I am expected to not touch myself in the short periods when I am unlocked. And I manage not to. There are also devices that come with screws that shear off when tightened and prevent removal of the device.
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

Shepherdsflock wrote:Why does it have to involve piercing? If it's just a personal preference... :D
Its not a personal preference on my part, although my wife has several piercings and finds them sexy. My wife likes me very clean and fresh smelling, so anything that might trap sweat or skin is out. In addition, she wants me "in" chastity as close to 24/7/365 as is possible.

Even though I have been a completely faithful husband for over 10 years now, what she wants and feels she needs is something that doesn't rely on my will power. She says she needs to "know" I'm in. We've talked a lot about what she's looking for and what she really wants, after all is said and done, is for me to be reversably impotent. I'm in my 30s, so hopefully that's not going to happen.

Although I find denial to be a turn on now, I am not finding permanency enticing. At the same time, the level of intimacy we now have is so good its fantastic, and I'm into eating her more than ever and her sex drive is now through the roof!
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

I have tons of self control. I have gone months without release using nothing but self control, and when you're eating a girl as hot as my wife is every day, and every time you take a deep breath you can smell her orgasm on your face and taste her orgasm on your lips, and know that her sweet cream is in your belly, that's saying a lot.

This is about HER need.
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

Well, my wife and I talked quite a bit. She definitely wants me in chastity permanently, and, looking at our recent sex-life, it turns her on tremendously. She's much more comfortable in her submission. At the same time, permanent chastity, without teasing or edging would simply be celibacy to me. Now, my wife was, and is, a pillow princess, something that I have always loved and that has always turned me on. I enjoy her orgasms more than my own, and that's what she wants as well, but she also wants certainty in my chastity, which is very difficult to accomplish.

We finally decided that I will get a piercing, despite my earlier concerns. A friend of hers is a nurse besides doing piercing, and she has assured me that she can do a deep frenum piercing that will heal well, probably in less than 4 weeks. She uses high gold-content retaining jewelry which she claims also helps. I'll be using a lori's tube after I heal completely. My wife agrees that since I've been in chastity she feels better about touching me down there (although still not much). We have also decided that I will get to orgasm every 3 or 4 months for a while, but that we will work toward my being completely chaste over time. One reason that she's willing to make this concession is that she doesn't want me to ejaculate spontaneously at some inopportune moment, like when I'm Domming her.

My appointment is this week, so wish me luck!
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by slave d »

FWIW i am basically caged 24/7/365 and have no masturbation or PIV whatsoever, nor do i have any orgasms as such BUT i think you'll run into trouble with your every few months between "emissions" (since the smell is an issue). i "leak" and sometimes "squirt" semen every week or so despite my wish not to. i don't orgasm as i've trained myself (or been trained by MsM) to relax and just "let it flow" but i do release enough semen to be obvious and to smell (MsM just smiles and says "poor boy, that's all the pleasure you get now"). This happens when pleasuring Her (Her "thing" is the use of a deeply inserted "Buck" (dildo)) and i become aroused to the point i lose control. Basically i believe the "system" gets "full" and relieves the pressure and i don't see how this can be avoided. Anyway i wish you luck but suspect your system will defeat your willpower (or won't power).

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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

I leak precum by the bucketfull when eating my wife, but no sperm, and ive been chaste for a couple of months at a time. Apparently they smell different, and my wife would know (and be turned off) instantly. She doesn't mind the precum although she doesn't want any on her. Our plan is to use magnum condoms over the loris tube.

I welcome any comments though, so thank you for your input.
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by locked4her55 »

NoloMeTangere wrote: I'm in my 30s, so hopefully that's not going to happen.
NoloMeTangere wrote: Re: "Hello world" thread
Postby NoloMeTangere » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:59 pm

I'm a new member, in the US, in my 40s, and not yet wearing yet.

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You must be on the "age reduction plan". Let me know where to sign up? ;)
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Re: [NoloMeTangere] Posting in Mid-Journey

Post by NoloMeTangere »

LOL. I wish. Unfortunately no cure for aging. I post from my phone a lot...
locked4her55 wrote:
NoloMeTangere wrote: I'm in my 30s, so hopefully that's not going to happen.
NoloMeTangere wrote: Re: "Hello world" thread
Postby NoloMeTangere » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:59 pm

I'm a new member, in the US, in my 40s, and not yet wearing yet.

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You must be on the "age reduction plan". Let me know where to sign up? ;)
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