Cage Question / Upgrade

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Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by LuckyEddie »

Howdy folks!

Has anyone ever used the 2022 Mamba V6 cage? I really like the design, and the ring looks super comfortable, but I have no experience with a wide ring design.

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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by Fastredcar »

While I liked the wide ring I found the ball gap was too wide and the cage didn’t stay on very long. YMMV
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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by LuckyEddie »

Fastredcar wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:59 pm While I liked the wide ring I found the ball gap was too wide and the cage didn’t stay on very long. YMMV
Interesting. My testies are not the largest in the world (or even close), but the page I was looking at ( ... 4itemAdapt) provided some pretty extensive measurements for the device. With a gap of just 5mm I would think that they are never going to go through that, but things are often not as they seem, which is one of the reasons for the post. Suggestions welcome.

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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by Fastredcar »

The 5mm is side view but the lower lip drops down. Unfortunately so did my cage. At least I wasn't out in public at the time.
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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by slave d »

Yep that’s the issue with so many cages, particularly those with ergonomic base rings, for those of us with small testicles. The gap is 5mm in one direction but where the ring and cage actually meet up there’s a curved portion (nicely testicle shaped for me) where that gap is closer to 10. My right testicle can get through there in a heartbeat, particularly when I’m sitting down !! The device I’m wearing now has this issue and I’ve been looking at using one of the cold weld products to build up the ring but am not exactly sure how to go about it. I had looked at the device in this thread too and thought it was nice.

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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by Fastredcar »

I've experimented with the cold weld products with mixed results. It's been a while but as I recall I had the best luck with the JB Weld product that comes as a stick that you tear off a length and knead it to activate. Then it's like working with Playdoh as you apply it to the ring. It was easier than the stuff in the tube. I just built up layers until I got the right fit, sanding it smooth if necessary. Be sure to clean off any lube that might be on the ring before you start.
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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by benny22 »

Cage looks good. There's a great chance that wide base ring will be comfy too, but notice one more thing - weight: 250 - 400g. It means if you order the bigger Nano version with 52mm ring it will weight almost half kilogram!
Are you ready for such a heavy cage?
Cobra 3D, HTv2 small
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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by BlackoutDevices »

So that knockoff is a metal version of a cross between my Evo base ring and the Cobra cage. Though they copied one of my first iterations of the base ring which had a lot of issues with pinching and sharp edges.
Since then I've made it the most comfortable base ring you can get because of its anatomical shape, wider profile, and because I am able to shape it uniquely to what your anatomy needs.

As for gap size, it is such a misguided dimension (and often unalterable) that I hate that it gets brought up as often as it does.
There are sort of two definitions, the "pure" horizontal ball gap and then the "working" diagonal ball gap from cage to base ring.
The working ball gap is changed through ring shape, ring size, cage shape, cage thickness, and horizontal ball gap. So while the horizontal ball gap might only be 5mm, how effective its going to be is affected by your cage/ring size combo.
Theoretically gap size should be adjusted to the sizing of the base ring being too big or too small relative to the outer diameter of the cage. But that's if you're lucky enough to have a cage system that has different horizontal gap sizes to do so.
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Re: Cage Question / Upgrade

Post by LuckyEddie »

benny22 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:49 am Cage looks good. There's a great chance that wide base ring will be comfy too, but notice one more thing - weight: 250 - 400g. It means if you order the bigger Nano version with 52mm ring it will weight almost half kilogram!
Are you ready for such a heavy cage?
I know this is going to sound a bit odd, but I find the extra weight to be quite erotic. It reminds me its there, all the time. I currently use a pretty weighty device made of stainless steel, but the round base ring after time gets a bit uncomfortable and needs an "adjustment" in where it is riding. That is not always possible as it requires a hand in the pants to make the "adjustment". Its why I am researching other options. I want to stay with steel, both for durability and its psychological aspects, and it usually requires less cleaning than the resin and plastic devices. I can (and do) toss my current device into an alcohol bath and sometimes leave it there for an overnight kind of time frame.
