[Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

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[Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

My journey begins and my goal is a marriage and sex in our marriage that works for both of us. We are in our early 60’s and healthy and fit. We love each other and are committed to a happy supportive relationship. But things are never simple. Over the past few years my wife has lost interest in sex. It’s not medical, it’s not me and I’m not convinced is even abnormal. But I remain interested and have always been drawn to kinky things, at least in thought if not action. (I’ll admit it now, I like to crossdress). Chastity enforced by her might be a way to keep me happy and not unduly impose on her.

So after thinking about this for a long time, and encouraged by the success of others here, I brought it up yesterday. I was terrified and had worked through the conversation in my mind many times. My intent was to be honest but not overwhelm her. Of course the actual conversation didn’t match my imaginary presentation. I was able to bring up the idea of her controlling my orgasms, that I masturbate too much, I want her to help me with that, and I love when she teases me without release. A year or two ago we had tried a few times where she orgasmed with her vibrator and I was left hard, so she wasn’t confused. But she diverted the conversation quickly and I didn’t get to say everything I wanted. Never made it to trying a device.

So later we were out for a hike and at a quiet time I asked if we could talk more about, but she said “No, I understand “. I left it at that, not sure if she understood, and again no mention of a device.

Here’s the good part. I woke up this morning and we snuggled, my front against her back, and my semi against her butt. After a bit she rolled over and held my penis, then slowly rubbed it in circles. Very gently. I got harder and then the pre cum started and she stroked me to a full, wet erection. It was wonderful. The first time in at least six months. Then she rolled towards her bedside table and I expected she would get some oil and finish me, or, maybe even her vibrator. But she just smiled and said “now you can get dressed”. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and hugged her. Her smile was real.

Later this morning I was getting ready to leave for an overnight trip and I tried to casually mention I should be able to get by without masturbating until I got back. She looked right at me and said “ you better not!”

So, I feel like things are off to a good start, but my cock is asking me ‘what the hell?’
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K F B 65
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by K F B 65 »

Seriously, you just started...no device/cage yet?
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

Just started. No cage. Kind of scared of a cage, but also interested.
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[Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

This is my second posting, the first was a week and a half ago. We had a a huge family get together with kids and grandkids this past week , and I haven’t had a chance to look at this website.

I don’t have a chastity device and haven’t felt the time has been right to try to bring it up again. But she has been stroking me most mornings until I’m slippery with pre cum. One morning she wiped it all across my belly and laughed. She has always stopped before I came, and let me get very close one morning. She lets me snuggle and hold her breasts, rub her legs and cup her pussy. One morning she told me I could kiss her breasts before getting out of bed and making her a latte. I do love her nipples.

Out of bed we’ve been getting along great, and she has been happy with everything. I really think I’ve been more attentive and more deferential without being passive. I attribute this to physiological reactions to getting my dick teased and unrelieved, she thinks I’m learning to be a better husband by watching our adult sons and son-in-law.

This week I’m working out of town, and usually would have masturbated twice today, but I’m sticking to the program! I have asked her to help me not masturbate this week, though I’m not sure she’ll say anything and I can’t believe she would follow through with punishment for any infractions. This could be difficult for me …
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

This may be moving faster than I expected. I wanted to try to read up and saw a promising book on Amazon and to get it, texted my wife (I’m out of town for work) to ask her to approve it (she is the AMazon account key holder), and if it was ok with me reading up on chastity. She surprised me by suggesting we get it on kindle so we could read together. The first chapter is about ‘Ending Bartering’ in marriage as it relates to sex. It described my behavior and her reaction to a “T”, and validated her feelings about our sex life. So she really connected with the idea of putting me in a device and has already started looking on Amazon for cages. I’m uneasy but very interested in being locked, and it looks like I’ve started something where I’m no longer in control. I think that’s supposed to be the idea.
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

So it’s happening. She sent me an email confirming she ordered a model called “Ferrari”. Comes with a variety of ring sizes and has an integrated lock. And fast delivery. I know what’s waiting for me when I get home on Monday. Scared, in a good way.
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

Much to report, haven’t had time to sit still and update this journey. In short, my wife now has me in a plastic cage around the clock, she totally embraces being the key holder and only lets me out for hygiene ( and emphasizes no self stimulation!). Our relationship is thousands times better, much intimacy without sex and the power dynamic in our marriage has shifted her way. Last night we were putting up a fence and she emphatically told me she was in charge. Yes!
Things have changed, I don’t know if she’ll ever let me orgasm again, and it’s fantastic!

More to follow.
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Bubbahotepp326 »

Great story! Can’t wait to hear more!
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Re: [Mermaiden] mutually beneficial

Post by Mermaiden »

Meant to post sooner, but life’s been busy in a good way.
In brief, I came home and there was a plastic cage waiting for me. It was a little awkward getting it on, but figured it out and she locked it and put the key on her bed side table. It felt a bit bulky, but was able to hike and run 6 miles with it, I wore it all day and night for a week and it only came off once - after a long jet ski ride. I was “retracted “ and there was a lot of jostling.

It seemed like she felt empowered to tell me how to do little things differently, like where the dishes go in the dishwasher. And we were working on a farm fence and she clearly was in charge of the work. I really liked her new authority. And we didn’t argue because if we disagreed about something, I would thank her for listening and then accept her decision.

But she didn’t become overbearing at all, in fact she wanted me to make more decisions. We planned a trip this fall to Arizona and I made all the arrangements about flights, rentals, etc - with her review and approval.

The only sex was one night she invited me to watch her cum with her vibrator. I lay next to her and wasn’t invited to touch or suck. She closed her eyes and orgasmed in 5 to minutes. The. She opened a book and read before going to sleep. The next day I brought it up and told her I found the experience to be good for me, “if she was interested to know”. Her answer shocked me, it was the best thing she could have said, which was “no, I’m not interested in how it was for you”. She is quickly accepting her sexuality as completely superior to mine. I love it. I in almost a month - the longest duration since age 13.

The cage is not all that comfortable to wear for long times and I am going to try a smaller metal one. I suspect wearing it will be an intermittent thing, but I think my wife is getting into being more independent and authoritative in our marriage. I hadn’t realized how much I crave that. No idea if or when I’ll orgasm again.
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