[MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

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[MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

So i posted the below in the hello world thread. Second post on will be a continuation...and boy do inhave news!

Hi all. New here from Los Angeles. I have been super turned on by the idea of chastity for 5 or so years and it has gotten to the point that i need to do something about it.

My wife in kind of vanilla so i have been too afraid to bring it up

This last week its really gotten to me so i decided to just stop jerking off. I ordered 2 cages that i planned on wearing in secret for a while. They have not yet come and my wife doesnt know. Anyway after 5 days of not jerking off im going crazy. I decided to just channel all that horniness into my wifes pleasure.

I jerk off daily and honestly it has impacted our sex life negatively. When my wife is in the mood i am not bc i jerked off earlier in the day. This sucks for her and isnt fair and she doesnt deserve that. She thinks i dont find her attractive.

Last night, after 5 days without jerking off i took her to the bedroom and went down on her...HARD. we then had intercourse but just when i wanted to finish i pulled out and went back down. I brought her to a wild orgasm and then when she offered to reciprocate i just told her no and that tonight was for you. She insisted on getting me off but i insisted back that i wanted to "save it" till tomorrow and lust over her all night. I promised that if she agreed to let me off without finishing that id go down on her again first thing in the morning. I think she thought it was a little odd but thats how we ended the night. I could barely sleep all night i was so horney.

First thing in the morning i woker her up and started kissing her neck. Within a few minutes i was down between her legs licking her passionately. Like the night before i switched back and forth between licking her and intercouse and after she came i got up and put my shorts on and said "all for u none for me". Again she wanted to get me off and i told her that i dont think i should cum. She looked at me with a confised look and i told her that i think i masterbate too much and that its hurting our sex life and its unfair to her and im sorry. I told her that i think im addicted to it and that the real addiction isnt masterbting itself but its cumming whenever i want. I told her i feel bad and that i think i need to do something serious to stop the habit. She said "stop masterbating?"....i said no, i think i need to stop cumming for a while and focus on you. I told her i really want to fix this but i need her help. She asked how she would help.

I told her that i wanted her to ask me to promise her i wouldnt masterbate for a month. I told her that i wanted her to let me lick her when im really frustrated and most importantly i wanted to her stop stinulating me whenever i tell her im about to cum.

Shockingly to me she thinks this is a great idea. She told me that shes all in and she promised she wont let me get off this month unless i "cheat on her" by masterbating. I again promised i wouldn't. I told her to give me a hand job for a little bit and take me super close and stop. She did and then we laid in bed talking for a bit. The i had to get up and log in to work bc im working remotely with all this covid19 stuff. I told her i wanted to lick her again at lunch time and she said ok.

I also pm2ayed dumb and said "i wonder if they have chastity belts for men bc i am not really sure i can go all month"...shes like of course they do its probably some locking leather thong or like metal cage or something. Im certain she has no idea about these things but i told her i think i might ending up needing one. She kind of laughed and said dont be ridiculous just do not touch yourself. She did say that it would be fun to have me locked in something and that id be her slave and she already loves all the attention...

I actually think she is open to a device but i want to introduce it delicately. I will keep my promise and not masterbate but i think in a week im going to be out of my mind. I think then i will show her a decice online and just tell her i really think i need it to keep my promise....

It is so surreal that she seems so open to this bc shes always been so vanilla...but maybe my masterbation habit really has bothered her and shes willing to try anything to fix it. I want so badly for her to lock me up and be really firm with me. I want to completely give up my pleasure for hers. Here's to hoping this really blooms into something serious!
Last edited by Mikejames on Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

Ok....So i wrote a book about chastity from a woman's perspective and had my wife read it. She doesn't know I wrote it, and while i don't like deception I will come clean at some point. Anyway, the book will be made available and I'm happy to let anyone use it. It contains basically all my chastity fantasies but written as if a woman wrote it. My wife has been loving our 1 month honor system chastity but was iffy about a cage coming into play.

The other night, maybe 12 days into honor system chastity she edged me mercilessly with BJ, handy, and intercourse always stopped as I came close. She edged my at least 15 times before telling me to go down on her and give her an orgasm. I went to bed and she went to watch TV. I texted her from bed telling her I think we should cage me bc I was SO horny I didn't know if I had a few more weeks in me. She was kind of receptive but kind of told me to just go calm down.

Next morning came to the living room and she started asking me about my texts. I told her I had this thing to read and she seems like 20% interested and mostly like it wasn't going anywhere.

Over the next few days I put more pressure on her than I wanted to...to just read it. Finally the other night she read it.

when she was done she said i should just go ahead and order whatever it was I needed but that she's not really sure about it all. I told her I already ordered a cage and it would come in a few weeks. She said ok.

The next night she read the last couple pages of the book and started saying things like "I guess I'll have to start pegging you now huh?"....and "is that what you want babe? You want me to lock you up and fuck you?". I said yes. She said "well this book you wanted me to read so badly says you only cum when I want and you get no say in it, maybe I don't think you need to cum very much". I said "yeah I mean it's whatever you want". She said "well this book said quarterly orgasms are more than fair, and the author said she only lets her husband cum once or twice per year".

I told her she didn't need to take everything completely literally and that I'd be ok with cumming every few weeks or once a month. She just said "no that's way too often. If you want this, you're going to really get it"......

I was shocked how receptive she was being but I started getting a little nervous. She told me to go ahead and order pegging stuff and told me I better find a good hiding place so the kids never find any of this stuff. I said ok. She told me to go wait in the guest bedroom and wait for her while she got the baby to sleep.

I laid in the guest bedroom for almost a half hour and almost fell asleep. When she came in she aggressively yanked my shorts down and commenced a brutal edging session that included lots of intercourse stopped short. I could barely last 5-10 pumps before having to pull out. She just kept saying "you better not cum, I mean it". Over and over again at least 15 times. She then asked "what's wrong you can't handle it anymore?". At this point I was like 2 or 3 pumps before having to stop. When I said "yeah it's too much I need to stop" she said "you'll stop when I say". I had at least 5 more edges like this before she pushed me off and just bluntly said "you can eat me out now". It took about 5 mins of oral for me to get her off and she said it was one of her best orgasms.

We then laid there, me incredibly frustrated and her totally satisfied. She rubbed my head and we just talked. She asked some more basic logistics questions. She asked when my cage was coming and I said 1 to 2 weeks. She noted that that's about the same time my month will be up. So naturally I asked her if that meant she would still let me cum at the end of my honor system month, or if the cage came around the same time if that meant she'd make me wear it for a while before getting my orgasm...she said "I didn't think of that...hmmm I'm not really sure about that now, but when you cum really isn't any of your business anymore is it....so we'll see how I feel then".

We then went back to the living room to watch tv for a while before I went off to bed insanely frustrated and horny.

This morning she asked me again when the cage was coming and I said a few weeks. She said I hope you ordered a very small one, the book said a cock as small as yours needs like a 1 to 1.5 inch cage and if we're doing this I expect you were responsible enough to order the tiny cage you need.

I ensured her I measured perfectly per MM's website instructions and she said good. I reminded her that at least 1 key should be available to me for emergencies and she just said, "no, i'm getting both keys". I said well babe what if something happens and I really need to get it off. She said you call me and I'll assess how serious it is.

I do think I need to get her to understand that there could be a legit reason why a key needs to be available and that we can put it in a sealed envelope or something with tamper evident tape. I'm actually scared she may not appreciate that a real emergency could arise.

She also joked that I should get pierced, but I think she was trying to gauge how "weird" I am....I totally do want a PA, but I'm not bringing that up any time soon. If this goes well and she really does like chastity then in a few months I'll suggest it.

She has kind of made it clear she's doing this to "go along" with what I want. I'm not sure this turns her on at all, but last night when fooling around and she was bitchily denying me she was wetter than I think I've ever seen her.

As much as I love this and am enjoying all this honor system chastity, I'm really hoping I get to cum in 2 weeks and she doesn't just lock me up for another month. She seems to have taken too literally the long lock ups I wrote about in the book!

I'll keep posting here to update on how this is going.

I will make the book I wrote available soon. I just need to figure out how to add attachments. I think it may help some of you guys trying to get your wives to go along with this.
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Re: Headed for Lockup!

Post by slave d »

Would have to say if you believe you can write about male chastity from a females perspective you’re sucking dream tablets !! You may be capable of writing about how you’d like them to feel about it but you have zero idea as most of us here have discovered over the years. If you think you’re fooling Her with this then I suspect you’re in for a surprise or two.

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Re: Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

Fair points but she does seem to think a woman wrote it. I tried to temper my fantasies and make it sound like a womans voice but im obviously a bit suspicious that she could know it isnt a real woman. Everything she brings up about the book she says "well she said this is what she does with her husband" so she is at least doing a good job of letting on that she thinks a woman wrote it.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

She is being very strict today. Ive tried to rub up against her a few times and she has very bluntly told me to knock it off. I asked her if i could cum tonight if we play and she just scoffed and said no not for at least 2 weeks.

She reminded me she could make that longer. Im trying to push her a bit to see if she will make good on that threat but dont want to annoy her too much.

Trying to balance being careful what i wish for and testing her to see how "in" she is on this whole thing.

My jailbird should arrive in approx 2 weeks so i3m kind of hoping she will extend my time at least a week.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

Yesterday was a tough day. I am over 2 weeks chaste on the honor system. I tried to push my wife a bit yesterday with some begging and complaining to test her resolve. I also really really needed a release bc i dont think ive ever gone more than like 3 days without cumming since puberty and now im at 17 days.

While working from home in the kitchen and she was with the kids in the living room we had a really hot text exchange. She told me to stop begging and focus on work but that if i was really good and got her pussy really wet with my tongue she would maybe let me cum later at night.... And that she couldnt wait to ride my cock later. All day she flipped between hinting she would probably let me cum and then bluntly telling me to stop asking.

When night fell and the kids were asleep she teased me on the couch a bit about how horny i must be and how bad i must want her pussy. I said yes and asked if we could go to the guest room bc she pronised some playtime and i was really looking forward to cumming. She said that maybe i should just go to bed instead. I was shocked that she was not only going to not let me cum like she led on all day but also that she was totally denying ANY playtime. When i protested she just said no not tonight and thats final so go to bed and do not cheat on me! She then said to wake up extra early for "the best sex you'll ever have". Being denied like that made me so hard and as i waled doen the hallway to the bedrrom she called out "have fun sleeping so horny babe". Needless to say i didnt sleep well and kept waking up hard and had to resist the urge to masturbate.

So i got up at 6 and we went to the guestroom where she edged me a few times with her mouth and then had me fuck her over and over without cumming. I was barely lasting 2 pumps and she kept asking me if i was ready to cum and if i deserve it. I kept saying yes and finally she told me to edge one more time. After pulling out that last time i expected her to tell me to just go for it and cum on the next go. but she instead just rolled over and said "it's for your own good but you're not cumming today. I would like to though so get me off now...just bc you cant cum doesnt mean i cant". I got her off and then she just got up and said "now go to work and dont touch your dick" and left the room.

She seems to be really liking this. Im insanely excited and now kind of terrified lol.

This is SO HOT but its a lot harder to deal with than the fap captions on tumblr. And my cage hasnt even come yet.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

All day yesterday after our morning session, any mentions of being horny were met with "thats too bad. Think of something else" and "it's annoying to keep hearing about"

There was no evening sex last night nor this morning and when i said good morning today she said "good morning. I dont want to hear about how horny you are today".

No idea what is in store today. Going to be good and not bother her but hoping for some kind of attention tonight.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by LockedByBD »

Sounds like she's telling you, loud and clear, don't push it.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

LockedByBD wrote: Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:54 pm Sounds like she's telling you, loud and clear, don't push it.
Agree....but then like a half hour after writing this she started groping me in the kitchen, gave me a semi, asked if i liked it and then walked away.
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Re: [MikeJames] Headed for Lockup!

Post by Mikejames »

Last night before bed i got a light handjob that was just stimulating enough to maintain an erection but not even close to an edge. Then she stopped and told me to go to bed.

A few times today she's groped me over my shorts and had me kiss her pussy over her panties. She told me if im good today we can do some edging tonight.

Got shipping notification from mature metal that my cage is shipping today. Wife said thats good bc she won't have to keep saying no when the cage will say no for her.
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