Hot-tubs, caged or not?

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Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by Caged55 »

To hot tub or not to hot tub?!

We have some friends (vanilla couple) that have invited us to hot-tub with them. We heard from other friends that they do this naked, now my wife and KH siggested we join them, where we have previously declined... with me caged!!!
I have mixed feelings about this, one I am comfortable with my sexuality and with being in chastity, on the other hand, I am mixed as to what our friends will think - either I am percieved as sexually adventurous, or just a kinky perv. My KH thinks its sexy, and is proud that she has me caged (in a Jailbird) 24/7 and is more than happy to "show me off". Strangely when I am caged I don't feel naked, and what is really important is what my KH wants and what I/we are comfortable with... right?

Any advice? has anybody experienced this before, maybe our friends have their own kinks?!
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by Tom Allen »

Tough call because it puts your kink on display to others who might not want to know about it.

OTOH, in the US, nude group bathing is not commonplace, so your friends might be just fine with it. Can your wife check with the hostess ahead of time?
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by wishful4 »

Caged55, I concur with Tom. If your spouse wants to do this, have her talk to her friend and ask if they would be uncomfortable with your wearing a chastity device. If you are close friends, that would be preferable to involving them without their consent. If they are okay with it, I suspect it will be an interesting conversation starter. ;)
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by tj246 »

i have to agree wtih wishful4 if you want to go have wife talk to her friend check out if they will be fine with you in chastity allways best to ask first ,,
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by jfenoffti »

We've been invited to hot tub (again) with a close couple. We've hot tubbed and sailed naked with them on many occasions. This time, I'll be locked up. The husband and I are best friends and he already knows of my chastity. His wife does not. She'll probably think it's funny; but (I think and hope) will willingly join my wife/KH in teasing me. That said, if you are close socially with the couple and they are true friends and not judgemental, go for it without first asking. Chances are since they go au naturel (sp?) they'll not be judgemental. It's difficult to be critical of others when you're naked too. Enjoy!!
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by Caged55 »

Thanks for the replies, the couple in question thinks we have a really great marriage, my KH says, its time to let the "cat, or rather cage" out of the sack... surely if the wives get together and talk about it, its already "out"... its coming up this weekend when we stay over at their home, I'm nervous but also proud to be in chastity. KH is adamant, and I think she has already eluded to the fact that she "hold the key" and as you guys say, given that we hot-tub naked, we (they) should not be judgmental... guess all will be revealed soon :)
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by doctor_h »

I would not refer to a couple that uses a hot tub naked with another couple as vanilla.

I agree that which ever of you two are closest to the other couple can test the waters but i suspect such a couple will have no issues but you probably should not expect the other female to join in your teasing.
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by MrCage »

Wow, this will be interesting, will watch for your post-tub post!
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It's good to be caged.
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by Tom Allen »

doctor_h wrote:I would not refer to a couple that uses a hot tub naked with another couple as vanilla.
I've had friends that went to nude beaches all the time, but were otherwise pretty vanilla.
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Re: Hot-tubs, caged or not?

Post by Caged55 »

UPDATE... the big reveal :shock:

Well, we did it... my wife "sensitized" our hostess before, who to our surprise was totally curious, and in turn briefed her husband, so when it came to taking my bathrobe off, all eyes where on my caged penis... Stage-fright?!... no actually I felt proud to be in chastity. Anyway, I got in the tub, and the conversation started around chastity, why, how, how long, changes, improvements to our marriage etc... we actually had a very open and long conversation about chastity, and its benefits... and the while, the wine flowed, as did the conversation, to a point where our hostess asked me to sit on the edge of the tub so she could "look" at the "cage" again..., glancing over to my wife and KH (she prefers to be referred to as my Madam), for an approving nod, I sat on the edge and my Madam spread my legs showing off my shiny Jailbird.

After a minute, our hostess asked my Madam, whether she could touch it (note she did not ask me!!!), ... sure she said, and a woman I had only ever seen dressed, and now naked before me, slid between my legs and inspected my caged cock... I knew getting aroused now would be fatal for me... and it took a huge amount of will power and thoughts of nuclear war and famine, not to become erect while she probed, fondled and touched my "metal"... which she found absolutely fascinating that I was wearing such a solid cage on my cock 24/7... she loved it, and especially the improvements it brought to our already good marriage.
She turned to her husband, who found the whole thing amusing, and said... I want you to try this, this is so sexy and look what it has done for them... he was less amused, but she insisted that I send over my sizing rings to him, and he agreed he would "think" about it, especially since he asked a lot of questions about comfort, wearability etc.

I/we were surprised how well the evening went. They are definitely vanilla with the most exiting thing they do is to do naked hot-tubs with their friends, and he had an short affair some years back. Whilst we openly discussed our journey, and changes we noted in our marriage, we did not delve into our journey towards FLR etc.
Madam was extremely proud, just as I had "sensed" or known, about not rising to another woman's touch and I was rewarded with mind-blowing sex on Sunday, and a supervised orgasm, my first in 10 days.

Overall it left me with a sense of pride, I was not embarrassed about our lifestyle which works for us extremely well. We have a absolutely great marriage, which we feel is getting better all the time, and I believe chastity is a wonderful mechanism or opportunity to keep that spark alive between two people, wether vanilla, or involved in a FLR or even a FemDom marriage.... hey, and maybe our friends will start their own journey into chastity :D

Interestingly it revealed (topic during our hot-tub) my wife believes that ALL men should be in chastity as soon as they become sexually active, and that initially mothers hold the key, which is then passed on to the wives or girlfriends... she said imagine a world of legally compulsive chastity (her options include chastity or castration), no more teenage or unwanted pregnancies, rape, incest, sordid affairs, men that spend time on their women, devoted marriages etc... well maybe simplistic or unrealistic, but it was a interesting topic to discuss :arrow: ....

I have just heard that we are invited to another "hot-tub evening", with I believe another couple, we believe are a bit more adventurous... maybe we started something here, maybe I'll charge an "appearance" fee for my "Jailbird" :lol:
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