My first thoughts on the CB6000S

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My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I would love to hear from anyone who has a point of view on anything that I am about to write. Whether you agree with me or totally disagree, I am interested so please do let me know what you think.

As I wrote in my introduction “Hello World” and my blog “[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter”, I am not totally new to chastity, but I am currently “starting again” in the hope of doing better this time.

To get things moving I did a little research (possibly not enough but never mind) and decided to order a CB6000S. An “off the shelf” product, readily available and with generally good comments, more pricey than some but a known brand with a good reputation. Those were my main reasons for choosing. I couldn't make up my mind about whether to get the 6000 or the shorter 6000S but read some comments and reviews and the shorter 'S' version seemed sensible. Two and a half inches sounded ok when I looked at what I'd got to put into it.

Another factor that helped me to decide was the fact that this cage came with five different ring sizes and four different spacers, giving twenty combinations. Since I didn't really have any idea about what size would work best, this seemed to give a lot of flexibility.

First impressions when it arrived were (a) Wow, what a lot of bits! and (b) this looks sturdy and well made. I'd already read up about how to put the pieces together so it didn't take long to experiment on the table and check that I'd got the right idea before actually trying it on me. It seemed easy enough, despite the number of pieces.

So the time came to give it a try for the first time. The rings looked ok but I didn't know which to try first and then I held one up against my stuff and just thought “I've got to get all this through that?”. And it was more difficult than I'd imagined. I ended using the largest ring of all and knew this couldn't be right because I'm not that big down there. Surely nobody could get their balls and their cock through the smallest No. 1 ring? Anyway as it turned out, I'd overlooked the importance of technique and on subsequent trials found that easing one side in, then the other, and finally pushing the cock down on top of everything else, it sorted itself out. I made one mistake early on in that I failed to align the top pin with the top of my shaft and the cage was forever misaligned which made peeing awkward and messy. Now I can put it on pretty quickly and easily and have worked my way down to the second smallest ring and the shortest spacer. A little body lotion on my penis means that it slides into the cage without getting stuck and with the 2.5 inch cage of the 6000S, it goes right in and rests touching the plastic at the far end.

Once it was locked on, I was immediately impressed with how well it fitted. Those guys obviously took care to model the inside of the cage so that the head of the penis sits so nicely where that little ledge is, i.e. where the cage expands to accommodate the head. Once in place, the penis hardly moved as it was held in place by that ridge. And the whole thing felt comfortable. The padlock clicked and clanged against the plastic a bit but boxer briefs held that stilll as well and now it doesn't make a sound.

There's a question that I haven't answered for myself yet although I suspect it's covered somewhere in these forums. It's whether to wear the cage with the foreskin left in place or retracted. Over the past few days I've left it as normal but today I'm trying it retracted. Slightly more aware of contact between the cage and my penis with the foreskin back but apart from that, I've not noticed any benefit one way or the other so far. I would welcome any views.

During the day, wearing the device has been fine and comfortable. The occasional arousals and spontaneous erection attempts have been interesting as the front of my cock presses against the cage as it tries to get erect. During some of these occasions I've found myself getting really hard and completely filling the cage in every direction. Yeah, that's frustrating! Last night was my first night wearing it for sleeping and as I've written in my blog it wasn't the best night's sleep I've ever had. Several times I had to get out of bed and walk around a bit until the erection subsided. They were powerful, persistent, uncomfortable at best and painful at their most extreme. The frustration during the night was at not being able to get to sleep because whenever I was trying, another erection started up. If I could have taken the thing off and dealt with the erection, then I would have.

We haven't arrived at a final choice of ring/spacer yet and are still experimenting but I've noted some general comments that suggest “smaller is better”. My own experience so far is that this is true as the larger rings that I used to begin with moved too much, especially when used with the longer spaces, and although I never felt as is the could come off, or even be persuaded to come off, they felt generally less secure and reassuring. Now I've worked my way down to Ring 2 and Spacer 1, it doesn't move at all and I know for sure that I can't get it off ( not without breaking or cutting it of course). The “no slack” in the system, no sliding or twisting or any other movement that comes with smaller rings/spacers is a positive for me. I feel better about it, but it comes at the expense of comfort. What I am wearing now is tight and can be a bit more uncomfortable, but not unbearably so. Again, any views on sizing would be welcome. I appreciate that there is information on here already but somebody might be able to more closely comment on my own particular observations and questions.

One final comment on sizing is that I believe I made the right choice by getting the “S” version of the 6000. I fill it when flaccid so there's no room to expand lengthwise, but the shorter cage is neater I feel and is perfectly shaped otherwise.

Sorry I have waffled on a bit, but please do give any comments or observations. Or ask questions. I'm happy to answer anything you ask about any of what I've written.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by slave d »

As I said in the intro area in reply to your first post, the CB series in general is a good start point for anybody as it’s cheap enough, readily available and allows a newby to experiment with ring and gap sizes easily. That way you can get a reasonably accurate view for any future purpose. The downside to most of the plastic tube devices are they are very difficult to keep smelling sweet and so need regular removal so most of us who have gone onto long term (basically permanent) cage use tend to go to more open metal cages eventually. There’s always exceptions of course and some people enjoy frequent removal for cleaning anyway.

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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Thank you for your comment, slave d. I agree with what you say and I have already found that the three slots on the side of the CB6000S, which are supposed to allow air flow, don't really work because my shaft seems to cover them up pretty much all the time. Maybe one day metal will be the way forward for me, but for now, I think I've made a reasonable choice to get started and, as you say, experiment with ring sizes etc.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by jomojo76 »

Answering your question from yesterday, I'm experimenting with metal cages from House of Denial, I have 3 from there with progressively smaller cage lengths and 1 with a more open head for when I'm out and need to pee standing. They're not too expensive and the advice above on cleaning was another reason why I started this journey with metal.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Thanks jomojo76.
Someone else has told me that the cage portion should be shorter than the length of the relaxed/flaccid penis, and by about 30% too.

My CB6000S has a cage length of 2.5 inches as I've said elsewhere. My penis, when flaccid, is about 2.5 inches, maybe a little over but not much. So as soon as I put it on, I already fill the cage lengthwise. Apparently, I should have a cage length of 1.75 inches (2.5 minus 30%) from what I've been told. I'm not sure why this is but I wonder if any of those that you're experimenting with are?
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by jomojo76 »

Each time I get a smaller one I think "no way will that fit" and then it does... easily and it's more comfortable. Most comfortable one is about -25%
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I find that quite amazing.
How do you even get it on when it's shorter than your unaroused penis?
Do you just squish it on anyway?

I thought I must have got that aspect about right as my cage fits almost exactly. I only feel squashed when an erection is attempted.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by Curiousrk »

My cage is 25 percent shorter, too. And a custom cage really helped me since my diameter is smaller than most stock cages. My penis had way too much room in the CB series. Going with the smaller diameter and 25 percent shorter ensures that it fits “like a finger in a glove”…

In order to get it installed easily I just use a little soapy water in the shower to get the head / tip in the right position then the base sort of squishes / compresses a bit when sliding the cage backwards towards the pins on the base ring.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Thanks for that Curiousrk.

I seem to be ok diameter-wise with not a lot of room although it's not tight either. Maybe not quite "finger in a glove" closeness.
For now, I will be staying with my 100% length cage (because I'm new to this and I've only just purchased it) but in future perhaps a shorter cage will be the way to go. Do you find it comfortable, even though you're squished into it from the start?

I've been using a little body lotion so that I can slide into the cage easily so I guess that would continue to work.
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Re: My first thoughts on the CB6000S

Post by Curiousrk »

I find that erections are less painful if there is less room to grow. And it’s easier to pee with the penis head firmly pushed against the tip all the time. And it feels better to have the penis tip tight to the cage instead of flopping around. So to me the benefits far outweigh drawbacks of a little squishy. I really don’t notice it. I have a shorter cage now, and so i might try that one, which will be closer to 35 percent shorter. Others can tell you better than me, but after full time caging for the past 8 weeks or so my body stopped trying to have nocturnal erections. My garmin watch has a sleep score each morning when i wake up. It went from 50-60 points out of 100 to being around 80 every night for the past week. My body took time to adjust. I think the fit-like-a-glove cage helps those erections be more manageable because there is not room for the penis to grow. It’s already filling the cage so it doesn’t get fuller if you know what i mean.
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