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Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:44 am
by mellyshubby
zorglub wrote:By the way, there's no need to remove the spout every time the cage is off.
That makes a big difference. I would be interested in giving this a try. Are the components necessary all "off the shelf" items, or did you machine them?

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:37 am
by zorglub
Your post inspired me to add a blog entry ("In the heat of the moment") about keeping the spout on while the cage is off.
mellyshubby wrote:Are the components necessary all "off the shelf" items, or did you machine them?
So far, the only home made item is the wire loop that secures the spout when the cage is locked. I made that out of 316L stainless steel 1/16" diameter wire. It is not too difficult to shape with pliers. The hardest is the small radius bend at the tip. The first time I made such a hook, I used 14 Ga. copper wire (very common household electric wiring in the US) which is much easier to bend. I would recommend doing some tries with that first.

I am currently working on a different design for attaching the spout. It will not require a wire and I would be able to have it CNC-machined and potentially sell it. In fact, I was manually machining a prototype this weekend and was almost finished. Then I made a bonehead goof and broke my only 3/32" end mill!

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:07 am
by nebman
It's very interesting, and with the thought that the spout could remain in place with the cage off, there would seem to be the risk that you could lose the spout and retainer inside yourself until it is secured in some manner. The transition of removing the cage and adding some sort of securing attachment would seem to be a risky time.

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:03 pm
by zorglub
nebman wrote:there would seem to be the risk that you could lose the spout and retainer inside yourself until it is secured in some manner. The transition of removing the cage and adding some sort of securing attachment would seem to be a risky time.
Oh no, there's really no such risk. There is not a lot of friction inside the urethra, but still quite enough for the spout to stay where it is unless you push on it. Besides, it's not like it wants to go anywhere. One can walk around, sit, lie down, etc... No problem.
Now, if you are going to apply back and forth pressure on the penis (as in intercourse, or manual/oral stimulation), that's another matter entirely. You'd definitely want to secure the spout at that point.

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:59 am
by groundedBird
Wow, amazing! I've been thinking to get a full chastity belt instead of a ball trapping device exactly because of security reasons and now i have discovered the tether thing! Thanks a lot for bringing this up!

One question zorglub (surely many more will follow): I have checked your blog and the website and I wonder if the tether and the retainer would slide into position in my virgin urethra. I mean, i never put anything in it and the tether seems pretty big... Is some stretching needed before using this product?

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:00 am
by chastedilf13
In the picture you have one of the plastic end caps on the spout. Do you leave that on during the day to prevent infection of your urethra? If so, how did you modify it to fit over the wire that holds the spout in place?

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:50 am
by zorglub
groundedBird wrote:I wonder if the tether and the retainer would slide into position in my virgin urethra. I mean, i never put anything in it and the tether seems pretty big... Is some stretching needed before using this product?
I was a urethral virgin as well when I began experimenting with this. The first items I ordered from Tether Products were their two "sizing sounds/dilators". They are very finely made and, most importantly, grow in steps of 1 Fr (or 1/3 mm) which is the unit of size you want to consider (and is a smaller step increase than a typical set of sounds bought elsewhere).
For an explanation of what this unit of measurement means, see
The flange of a spout is 25.5 fr and to slide in the smallest retainer, you'll need to be able to get to the 26 Fr step. Below that, you'd have to do some stretching... Personally, I was fitting the 25 Fr easily, and stepping up to 26 Fr was doable, but tight. I practiced a bit, and then I bought the spouts and the smallest (26 Fr) set of retainers... and they fit (tight, but fine). At the other end of the scale, I have heard from someone who was having trouble because he needed a bigger retainer than the largest sold by Tether Products (34 Fr).
As a first approximation, in particular to decide which sound to purchase, I would recommend you measure the vertical length of your slit (while flaccid and without stretching it as the outside is elastic, unlike the inelastic part further inside) if it is 14mm (0.55") in length or more, get the 26-36 sound, otherwise, get the 20-30 sound. Anything below 13mm (my own measurement) will probably require some stretching for TetherSpouts to work for you at all.
chastedilf13 wrote:In the picture you have one of the plastic end caps on the spout. Do you leave that on during the day to prevent infection of your urethra? If so, how did you modify it to fit over the wire that holds the spout in place?
At first, I did not use a cap, but I had to deal with slow leakage of small amounts of residual urine, and I was concerned about the possibility of impurities such as lint eventually getting in... Then summer came around and I wanted to use the pool, plus it gets very dry (below 10% humidity sometimes) where I live and I did not think that would be good for the delicate urethra wall. So I just drilled two adjacent holes for the wire pair to fit through the vinyl cap. When I need the cap off, I squeeze it (a piece of toilet paper helps to overcome slickness if any), pulling it up and outward and it slides off, still attached on the wires. Here's a picture of the setup I made for my Watchful Mistress:
WM wire and capped spout - 320.JPG
And here you can see it mounted on the cage, with the cap in the urination position:
WM whole with cap off - 320.JPG

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:59 am
by zorglub
One thing I should add:
I may be a bit of a perfectionist, but I'm not entirely happy with the vinyl cap. It is a bit fiddly to slide off and on (especially at the beginning, nowadays less so) and, while not really irritating, I can feel it sometimes and I don't like that.
That's one of the reasons I'm working on a different spout attachment approach that, in particular, leaves the inside of the spout free of obstruction, so I can slide a much more convenient silicone plug into it. It should also allow a completely laminar urine flow, meaning urinal use will be easy (with the wire/hook system, some urine comes out the lower spout cross hole).

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:52 am
by groundedBird
zorglub wrote:
groundedBird wrote:I wonder if the tether and the retainer would slide into position in my virgin urethra. I mean, i never put anything in it and the tether seems pretty big... Is some stretching needed before using this product?
I was a urethral virgin as well when I began experimenting with this. The first items I ordered from Tether Products were their two "sizing sounds/dilators". They are very finely made and, most importantly, grow in steps of 1 Fr (or 1/3 mm) which is the unit of size you want to consider (and is a smaller step increase than a typical set of sounds bought elsewhere).
For an explanation of what this unit of measurement means, see
The flange of a spout is 25.5 fr and to slide in the smallest retainer, you'll need to be able to get to the 26 Fr step. Below that, you'd have to do some stretching... Personally, I was fitting the 25 Fr easily, and stepping up to 26 Fr was doable, but tight. I practiced a bit, and then I bought the spouts and the smallest (26 Fr) set of retainers... and they fit (tight, but fine). At the other end of the scale, I have heard from someone who was having trouble because he needed a bigger retainer than the largest sold by Tether Products (34 Fr).
As a first approximation, in particular to decide which sound to purchase, I would recommend you measure the vertical length of your slit (while flaccid and without stretching it as the outside is elastic, unlike the inelastic part further inside) if it is 14mm (0.55") in length or more, get the 26-36 sound, otherwise, get the 20-30 sound. Anything below 13mm (my own measurement) will probably require some stretching for TetherSpouts to work for you at all.
Thanks. I have ordered the 20-30mm sounds to check if I can make it to 26Fr and will stretch the opening if necessary.

Have you thought about using the only tetherSpout as a chastity device by connecting a cable to the spout and then pull the penis down between the testicles towards the anus (and securely attaching the cable e.g. around your wrist)?

Alternatively, I wonder if a cage head that firmly locks onto the spout and prevents stimulation of the sensitive head parts would work. Having a testicles free chastity device without a PA would be amazing...

Re: PA-like security, without piercing

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:06 pm
by zorglub
groundedBird wrote:Have you thought about using the only tetherSpout as a chastity device by connecting a cable to the spout and then pull the penis down between the testicles towards the anus (and securely attaching the cable e.g. around your wrist)?
That sounds more like a bondage scenario than something for long term.
Tether Products sells a "Clasp & Clip" accessory. I haven't tried that, but I think one of those would allow you to attach a cable to the spout without having to pass the cable itself trough the spout cross holes. You'd just have to cut off the clip part since you would not use that.
groundedBird wrote:Alternatively, I wonder if a cage head that firmly locks onto the spout and prevents stimulation of the sensitive head parts would work. Having a testicles free chastity device without a PA would be amazing...
That is definitely one of my goals. One problem I don't have a firm solution for though: keeping any shielding of "sensitive head parts" (e.g. frenum area for some people) in place. The TetherSpout does not prevent rotation of the cage around its axis. In contrast this is something a piercing natively deals with.

I am thinking of one possible approach: visualize a device like the MCN Glans Armor, but with the front wire loops attaching more to the external side of the ring rather than to the middle of it, thereby creating markedly more space for the glans inside. Then angle the ring (making it oval as well) so it follows the rear of the glans and it may possibly be sized tight enough to prevent rotation (also note that inserting a TetherSpout causes the glans to become a bit fatter). This configuration may be able to hold in place, say, a frenum shield.
The MCN MouseTrap could possibly work this way too, due to its back-of-the-glans profile, but it is not on my radar as much because it seems to require circumcision (a bunched up retracted prepuce would quickly become a problem if compressed in there).

By the way, I've also acquired some small Burg Wachter locks (used in the HolyTrainer2 and many Steelworxx devices) and I'm looking into ways of fitting that to a cage to secure the spout...