"Hello world" thread

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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by Locked by LRC »

Welcome LockedUpNewb. Make sure to be good for the next 20 days or it may turn into 30, 40...

Also, did you lose on purpose?
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by LockedUpNewb »

No. I did not want to cum. The longest I've been locked up was just shy of 2 weeks. At the time, it was maddening. We've since gone a week here and there. Generally, she keeps me locked about 5-10 days. This time, she wanted to play a dice game. I rolled the first one - then the 2nd. That ended up being 20 days. A big challenge for me, but I was ready to do it because I know that I need to be locked up and controlled by her.

I didn't want to cum because that takes away all my submissiveness. After I cum - I'm a caveman. Don't care about being a better husband to her. Don't care about doing the dishes for her or sweeping the floors. After I cum., the LAST thing on earth that I desire...... is to be locked up again. I want to learn to be more submissive to her. So cumming after only a few days kinda ruined it for me. She had me tied to the bed, or she would have NEVER got me back into the cage.

In the past, she's let me cum and then demanded I go right back into the cage. If I'm not tied down or restrained in some fashion - I won't do it. She's learned to tie me up if she wants to let me cum or if there's going to be any edging where I could slip up and cum.

By cumming, I feel like a caveman again. Didn't want to make dinner tonight. Didn't want to wash any clothes or do any chores around the house. I did my chores, because I know thats what I SHOULD do. But I didn't want too. If I had not slipped up and cum - the chores would have been no big deal. I'd have been happy to do them.

Basically, I have to start all over again. Went 4 days of a 20 day sentence. Was feeling submissive. Wanting to please her and make her happy. Slipped up and let one out - now I have to start all over again. Thats not the goal in our relationship. The goal is for her to keep me from cumming as long as I can stand it.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by Tom Allen »

Okay, here's one of my pet peeves about chastity.

First, please do not take this the wrong way, LUN - I'm just using this as an example:
LockedUpNewb wrote:After I cum - I'm a caveman. Don't care about being a better husband to her. Don't care about doing the dishes for her or sweeping the floors.
By cumming, I feel like a caveman again. Didn't want to make dinner tonight. Didn't want to wash any clothes or do any chores around the house. I did my chores, because I know thats what I SHOULD do. But I didn't want too. If I had not slipped up and cum - the chores would have been no big deal. I'd have been happy to do them.
See, in any other circumstance, I'd say that you're a bit of a dick.

ETA: I don't mean you, personally. That is, I'd say that any guy who said something like "I don't want to do any chores unless my wife..." is going to come across as, well, lacking in gallantry.

I mean, sure, nobody likes doing chores - that's why we call them "chores" and not "entertainment." But to place the onus on your wife, with the help of a hunk of plastic, to make you more amenable to *doing the things that a responsible adult should be doing* seems to be the main selling point of chastity devices, and I'm beginning to get tired of hearing it.

Again, I'm not picking on you, personally. It's just that you happened to write it so clearly: "I need to have my orgasms controlled in order to be a better husband." I mean, geez, no wonder often don't want to go for this; they want to think that they married an adult, not a dog that needs to be taught, or a child that needs to be rewarded or punished.

And it's not just you. I see this all the time in just about every chastity discussion board, which makes me constantly ask the rejoinder: If you tell your your wife/partner that you *need* chastity/ denial to be a better husband, why shouldn't she ask "Why aren't you being a better husband now?"

Try this: Instead of "denying my orgasms," how does it sound when you say something like "Unless my wife bakes me a pie, I don't feel like being a better husband." Or "When my wife lets me drink a beer, then I don't feel like doing chores. I need her to keep me from having a beer."

Well, I do know some people who would say that beer denial *does* make them better husbands. :roll:

And again - please do not be upset, and I'm not criticizing you. I'm questioning the paradigm that many men (and some women) have bought into that seems to say that men are essentially irresponsible little boys who need constant correction and supervision.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by Celtic Queen »

Dear me Tom, don't go too gently on the new boy will you?!

There are two things with this. Firstly, yep, the "I only do anything round the house because she will then award me an orgasm like some messy scooby snack" is tedious, rather ungallant and just ends up with a weary, fed up keyholder who just wanted an equal share to the house hold drudgery so I agree on that point. No one wants to do chores and taking male chastity out of the equation, if my hub behaved like a lazy slob he'd get the kick up the arse that was coming his way. No plastic device needed for that.

The second point though is actually, orgasm control often empirically works as a way of focusing all that energy into something more constructive than wanking off. An urge to be a better husband is commendable always. If the recognition is that this is a way of doing it then, it's a pragmatic solution surely?

Both sides are going to get different stuff out of chastity because they want different things.

I share your annoyance with the silly views that get bandied around the web - you know, the inescapable device leading to the maid's uniform, leading to the inevitable cuckolding by any passing tradesman. That is about as relevant to how chastity works as porn is to a Sunday morning lovemaking session but the fact is, orgasm denial means that the big head is more often in charge and better behaviour results.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by Maverick80 »

Hello everyone,
I'm 30 years old and while not so new to the idea of the lifestyle, I am new to actually living it. I am owned by the wonderful Princess Julie, who is also my beautiful girlfriend.
I am in the US Air Force and am currently deployed right now which makes it tough to do the things we would both like to do, but she finds a way to keep me on my toes every day. We recently purchased a CB6000 which we have not received yet, but plan on getting accustomed to it while I'm overseas. (Which should work out quite well because I will not be able to wear it for an extended period of time due to my job)
We are both looking forward to our experience both with the CB6000 and with this forum!
Thanks for reading!
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by chastehubby »

Hello world thread, I am new to the side, submissive masochistic heterosexual male, hooked on chastity, tease and denial, whipping (receiving) and footworship, kept it in the dark most of my life and don't want to do that anymore want to dtalk to kindred spirits
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by betaguy »

Glad to find this website as my wife and I are now re-entering the chastity experience after a long layoff, mainly due to the unsuitability of various plastic devices. We're looking forward to ordering a JailBird from Mature Metal after going through the sizing rings, measuring, etc.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by wettie »

Just trying again, I left a long post yesterday and it hasn't shown up yet, which may be normal, just testing this out again:

For background, my wife and I have been married for around 10 years, and dating for about 10 before that. We’ve had a sexual relationship for about 15 years, and well, it’s never been that good. In the early years it was a little more exciting, as I assume young sex usually is, but at the same time, we had been together for many years as teenagers before we started having sex, so I don’ think we ever had the “new partner wild sex” phase. Both of us have only ever had sex with each other, at least I know I’ve only had sex with her, and assume the same to be true for her.
My wife has never been interested in sex. There have been individual periods where she’s been wild in bed, but in 15 years, I’d say that’s happened about 5 times.
Now, I’m not trying to criticize her, sexually I’m no catch. I’ve been overweight most of the time we’ve been together, I have a pretty small cock, a little less than 4 inches most of the time, I don’t last a long time, and, on top of all this, I’m a bed wetter and sleep in diapers at the age of 34 (hence the username wettie). So like I said, can’t really blame her.
Recently, I’ve been unemployed for some time. Prior to that year, I was a frequent masturbator, and since I’d say I’m a chronic masturbator. I’ve pressured my wife for sex in the past, and she’s always resisted, but given it to me occasionally out of pity. After a year of her paying the bills, I start to feel guilty asking.
A few months ago while having horrible sex that I had begged for, I spontaneously asked her if she would be interested in a vacation from sex from a year. She quickly said yes. The prospect was interesting and exciting to me, but confirmed what I know, which is that sex with me is something someone would want a vacation from.
I gave it more thought, and talked to my wife about it. At first kind of as a joke, surprised that she said yes, but interested. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it, but didn’t have faith that I could.
After doing a little research online, I saw a few articles about using female birth control to lower sex drive. My wife had a prescription for Yaz birth control, and since we would not be having sex, we decided that I would start taking her pills and see if it helped. If nothing else, it would give us another reason to not have sex since there would have to be condoms involved.
So, I threw out the condoms we had left, and started taking the pill! Now I know this is probably not a great idea, and actually illegal, but felt the risks were pretty low. We don’t want to have any more kids, so even if it messes with my fertility, well, that would be a good thing.
I’ve decided to start keeping a log of how taking the pill has affected me, and how a year of marital celibacy is working out. If I wasn’t clear before, I’m not only avoiding sex with my wife, I will not be having sex with anyone, or masturbating. I know I have set a really long goal for myself, and the likelihood of success is pretty damn low, but what the hell, aim high, the results of failure are pretty low.
I’m hoping that this will get me past my chronic masturbating, take pressure off my wife, and maybe, just maybe, eventually have her asking me for sex for a change. She’s totally into it, but I hope to have the chance at some point to deny her of sex. Is that a little cruel, probably, but I would give her release, just not with my cock. In the past we have used a penis extension sleeve so she could experience sex with a big cock. I don’t think I could use that on her, but I have to admit that I’d be a little excited to fuck her with a true strap on. Strange, right?
Anyway, there’s an account of my year of chemical chastity at www.chemicalchastity.wordpress.com if you’d like to read the details. It’s not particularly interesting or well written, it’s mostly for my own record keeping.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by thumper »

Hi, wettie.

I think what you're doing is essentially the opposite of what we all do. Chastity is not the same as celibacy, it's the opposite. A well-functioning chastity-employing relationship means *more* sex and/or intimacy, not less. Also, the whole point is to *increase* our sex drives, not diminish them. We abstain from orgasm, not sex, and in doing so we harness our libidos, not destroy them chemically.

I'm not judging you at all, I'm just saying what you're into doesn't sound at all like what I and the rest of us are into.
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Re: "Hello world" thread

Post by wettie »

Yah, I think to a degree you are right, that it’s clearly not the same as chastity, but I also don’t think that a real chaste relationship involves more sex. Now most chaste relationships may involve more sex because it is the man controlling the chastity, and basically using it to extend foreplay, but that’s not really a chaste relationship, it’s a man subbing from the top, and there’s nothing wrong with that either, but I’m going to guess that 99% of guys in chastity are so at their request and their terms. The same is true of what I’m doing, I’m just not using a device which is really just a reminder of the situation, I’m using a pill for my reminder. I’ve yet to hear of a chastity device that prevented escape or orgasm, so it’s really the same game.

To that point, this relationship has greatly increased our intimacy and sex play, just not penetration or orgasm. My wife has ruined many orgasms since we stared, but instead of locking me back up afterwards, she tells me to roll over. I’ve done the chastity belt for a few weeks at a time, and I may again in the future. This has been a much bigger turn-on and tease than that. Of course I’m not telling anyone that they should find this interesting or not, just clarifying that the situation in both cases are dictated by the man most times, and the results are similar. I’ll continue to enjoy reading the chastity posts on here and tormenting myself until I break, and maybe someone will feel the same about what I’m doing.
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