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Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:05 pm
by NewbieJohn
Hey all. My name is John. Im 21 almost 22 years old. My girlfriend is 18 and I bought his CB6000 the other day. She was kind of upset but I am trying to teach her to enjoy it. I try and tell her that my dick can only be touched by HER, not even me! But anyways. I started wearing the thing today. In the beginning I guess I had an extra spacer or something in there and it was pinching pretty bad. But I played around with it and its alot more comfy now. Actually it feels like Im not even wearing it. But I feel it enough that I know its still there. But anyway. I work as a firefighter full time. Which means im at the fire house for 24 hours at a time. And I have 48 hours off. So, I work 1 day on, and 2 days off (24/48's) I wouldnt mind wearing the cb6000 at work just so my girl friend knows shes is still in control. But I just dont know if its a good idea. One, it would be a safety hazard. If Im crawling around a house thats on fire, I can hit it the wrong way and get my penis and balls turned in the device or something. And mess something up. Another thing is, I dont want to break it. It seems it could break pretty easily. And one more thing is, If i get hurt, I dont want to end up with all these firefighters or hospital removing my clothing and seeing this device. That would be MORE embarrassing then I could even imagine.

I really want to have my girl friend to make me wear this thing for a week, or month, or whatever at a time. But that one day in between I just really dont know if I wanna wear it. I feel, this device and fun and sexual pleasure/touchier doesnt come first especially about my job. I mean, being a firefighter isnt something to take as a joke, its very dangerous And I just dont wanna have this thing be a hazard that would get me killed or seriously injured or beyond embarrassed!

What is everyone elses opinions here. Thanks!

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:54 am
by Locked by LRC
First I would like to welcome you to the forum and say thanks wherever you are for being a firefighter.

While reading your post I think you have answered your ouwn question about wearing your device while on duty.
I make the points from your own words;

1- "One, it would be a safety hazard."
2- "Another thing is, I dont want to break it."
3 - "And one more thing is, If i get hurt, I dont want to end up with all these firefighters or hospital removing my clothing and seeing this device."
4 - MOST IMPORTANT - "I mean, being a firefighter isnt something to take as a joke, its very dangerous And I just dont wanna have this thing be a hazard that would get me killed or seriously injured or beyond embarrassed!"

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:36 am
by Atone
Agreed. I do a lot of things with my Steelheart on and my CB3000 (long) before that but never anything that had quite the physical requirements or urgency of fighting fires or saving lives. I have had a couple of times where I hit something or got caught on something that caused a little discomfort. I could always just stop what I was doing for a minute and get things corrected before it became a problem. You will not necessarily have that luxury.


Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:43 am
by celticqueens_sub
I agree that in your profession it would be a bit too risky. Mind you I'm sure there are plenty of girls who would find a fireman in uniform and a device under their control pretty irresistible!!

You're probably onto a winner there mate!

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:50 am
by cb6000s
I read the title of the posting and I say to myself, “Sure, why not”? I read the first sentence and say, “How hot is that! When I was 21 I wasn’t counting my orgasms per year like I do today. I was counting my orgasms per day. Chastity would have been much harder then”. Then I read that you are a firefighter and I said, “Are you out of you mind? Of course you can’t wear that to work. Think of melting plastic. Not a pretty picture”.

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:31 am
by Chuck
I agree with several points brought up. One beings hazards to yourself and two, hazards to others. You don't want to be in a rescue situation and have to choose between a lifesaving act or your penis comfort. I'd say NO. There may even be repercussions if wearing a device was seen as a distraction from your duties. If you got hurt on the job the investigators could claim that you contributed to your own injuries and refuse your medical benefits, or worse.

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:50 am
by danj
I've got to agree with everyone on this one. Your job can mean life and death and the device could pose a serious problem when you are trying to do your job. That said, there is no reason you can't be locked when off duty and commit to the honor system while at work. There are many couples (like us) that use both.

And welcome to the forum!

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:52 am
by celticqueens_sub
If you got hurt on the job the investigators could claim that you contributed to your own injuries and refuse your medical benefits, or worse.
I reckon Chuck just nailed it... I had forgotten about the sue your arse blame culture of the USA legal system... Imagine if someone tried to argue you didn't perform your duties or worse someone/ a colleague dies and they try and pin it on you because of...

The more I think about it. The more I see this as a totally avoidable problem, don't risk it. Your career and well being should be your paramount concern.

PS forgot to say welcome to the forum, there is so much good stuff here, spend time searching the threads. :)

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:30 pm
by cb6000s
It seems clear we have concensus on this issue. The next question is what about the other two days? Why can't you wear it two days out of three? I'm guessing that in the macho atmosphere of the firehouse there is not a lot of oppurtunity for wanking. You seem to indicate that your girlfriend is not totally onboard with this. It is up to you to show her why it is to her advantage to have you locked up. I advise that you spend the hours. and I'm not kidding it will be hours, to go back through as many conversations on this board as you can and see what others have done. After that, you go to and spend more hours reading about what others have done.

Re: Need help deciding if I should wear my CB6000 at work.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:53 pm
by poor
Work Release:

'It goes on before the uniform comes off and off after the uniform is on.'

Works for us.