Eureka Moment?

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Eureka Moment?

Post by eido »

It was the video that did it. If you haven't already been following the "Can You KH Lock You Up?" thread, go look. On the second page near the bottom, there's a link to a video. I've watched it four times in the last few days and then the light bulb appeared over my head.

That guy's cock got 6 or more minutes of her undivided attention. Okay, he didn't get to have an orgasm and a lot of us unlocked folks might think that's a bummer, but he got at least 6 minutes of her complete focus.


Is that why you do chastity?

Keyholders, since you have this power over your guy, do you actually spend more time thinking about the cock you are in control of than you did before the device went on?

I realize the answers to the question 'why?' is diverse and maybe even unique to each person, and is full of nuanced reasons rather than just a single factor, but this is what's in my head now and I want to see how it matches up with yours.

Thanks in advance for putting up with me and my constant curiousity. The fact that most of the posters here are so real is one reason I keep reading.

6 minutes....

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Re: Eureka Moment?

Post by Belle »

As a keyholder, I would say that yes, I do think about it more when he is locked. With the device on I feel a partial ownership of his cock, therefore it tends to be on my mind more. Prior to MC, the thoughts didn't cross my mind as much. I think part of it for me is the control/power, but the other part is intimacy. My husband chose MC as a way to give himself to me. All of this stems from that steel cage on his cock.
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Re: Eureka Moment?

Post by celticqueens_sub »

My husband chose MC as a way to give himself to me.
This comment from Belle is how I see it. I give myself to CQ in the full knowledge that she will accept the gift of submission to her will. For us the submission is moe than a sexual thing, but the MC and the device on me is a symbol of accpeting her control and she being in control.

On the specific point you make about getting attention. The times when CQ removes my cage and teases me of gives me an orgasm are fabulously more intimate than before. I think this is as simple as I can make it... You savour fine wines and foods and only eat them ocassionaly... Male orgasm control is very like this and when they occur they are truly lovely.
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Re: Eureka Moment?

Post by poor »

My epiphany happened as a result of an injury at work that left me with a couple of weeks 'off the hamster wheel' to consider my life. It was one of those 'a few inches the other way and I wouldn't have been here' moments. Walking away from meeting my maker left me with a renewed need to shake the tree of my life a bit harder to get the apples to fall.

In short; I decided that I wanted this, I was worth it and I was willing to make life changing sacrifices to achieve it. I also threw my guilt about being submissive in the bin

Fortunately I found Sarah Jameson's 'Be Careful What You Wish For' soon after which affirmed how I felt whilst giving me a more measured approach to re-introducing MC to Chatelaine and my dirty little secret became the best thing to happen to us in years.
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Re: Eureka Moment?

Post by Atone »

poor wrote:Fortunately I found ......
and that you were a few inches to this way. Glad you are ok.
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