Kitchen Safe

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Kitchen Safe

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

As my screen name suggests, my (otherwise) wonderful wife of many years simply will not play. So, since late 2011, I have been self locking. I feel as though I have been doing a reasonably good job of it given the circumstances. This will be the third consecutive year that I have been locked over 50% of the time. Still, I could be doing much better. I have never made it to two thirds of the time and various other goals have never been met.

I became aware of the Kitchen Safe on this Forum, decided to buy one and it arrived this afternoon. Its operation could not be more simple or foolproof. After the one minute test they instruct you to run, I placed both "security screw" drivers to my Jail Bird in the safe and set it for 3 days as a trial run.

Once you push the button to set it, the safe gives you a 5 second count down to change your mind. When it hit zero, I experienced quite a rush realizing that, for the first time EVER, I can't unlock whenever I feel like it. The sensation was uniquely exciting and . . . wonderful.

I have a great wife and a great life, but I really envy that many of your wives / significant others are also your keyholders.
2 x
Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: Kitchen Safe

Post by Schnoff »

Neat, that's a clever way to play!

How often does that Jailbird need to come off for cleaning / health? Or for your wife's pleasure?

I wonder how THAT conversation will go.

"I want your cock"

"Sorry dear, I can't get at it ... another three days before the safe releases"

Either that goes to "that's it, no more lockups" territory, or "that's it, I'm taking this key".
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Re: Kitchen Safe

Post by belocked »

Ah, the kitchen safe. I have one too, and that 5 second countdown always gets my pulse racing; do I want to cancel it before the it locks itself?

A variation with the kitchen safe is to lock away the keys with a fixed time, but then remove the batteries. The clock stops and will restart when you put the batteries back in. It's a great way of training yourself to do something. You can set a goal (1,000 pushups, no alcohol for a week, or whatever you want) and only put the batteries back in when you've achieved your goal. The delay from achieving the goal to the safe unlocking prevents momentary lapses as you know you can't they key immediately whatever you do.

For those of you who worry about security, the kitchen safe is plastic so it would always be possible to break open the box in am emergency.

If your wife ever takes they keys you will feel the same rush. But there's a big difference between a fixed time (when you can watch the clock count down) and someone who can change her mind.

Good luck with your wife. Let us know how she reacts to you being locked for a fixed time and unable to get out.
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Re: Kitchen Safe

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

Scnoff - First of all, thanks again for fixing Chastity Forum's technical problems. I, for one, really, really appreciate it.

One of the numerous wonderful things about the Jail Bird is that it is easy to thoroughly clean in the shower so it never, ever has to come off for cleaning. And, since I finally got the sizing right (2013) I have never had any sort of irritation or discomfort issues.

I can see where the wife's spontaneous desire for sex could be a problem for most couples if the key was locked away at the time. But, we are well past being spring chickens. A while back we realized that spontaneous sex was not happening frequently enough. So, now "date nights" are on the calendar and easy for me to schedule around.

Belocked - Hoo boy! The Kitchen Safe's maximum time locked is only 10 days, but it is very easy to add time. I was thinking that it would be kinda diabolical to set it at 10 days, then add time whenever I was in an "I got this" mood, to take it back to the max. But, setting it for 10 days and taking the batteries out, knowing that it would still be set at 10 days when the batteries were put back in, that would be "extra" diabolical.
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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: Kitchen Safe

Post by belocked »

belocked wrote: Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:39 am But, setting it for 10 days and taking the batteries out, knowing that it would still be set at 10 days when the batteries were put back in, that would be "extra" diabolical.
Of course you can put the key in, set it for 10 days, and then remove the batteries. That way you know that the lock clicking shut means a minimum 10-day lockup.
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Re: Kitchen Safe

Post by CagedKC »

We have recently purchased a kitchen safe and love it. Prior the wife would akways give in an use the key to unlock me so she could have some cock. We have found a dildo that helps her on short notice in combo with my tounge and we have found a man to fuck her with some notice (a first for us and I love it). We put both keys in the safe. If an emergency arises I will have to cut lock off as I think it is cheaper than new kitchen safe box half. I am coming up on a year of being locked and am very comfortable now hoing to work and making presentations in front of coworkers while wearing cage. Used to check emergency key several times a day to make sure it wasn't lost. Now I almost wish Iwas welded in. Odd how a year of prolonged states of arousal makes your brain want that chemical permanently.
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Locked 24/7 since July 2018
MM Jailbird
Key Holder "Sexy Red"
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