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[Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:38 am
by iceman47
As I continue on my journey into chastity, I cannot help reflecting on the time I spent chasing those sexual favors whenever and wherever I could. I also cannot believe the amount of time I wasted in the useless pursuit of masturbation and the harm it caused eventually.

I am fortunate that my wife has taken the reigns and assumed control of our relationship and I have totally submitted to her leadership. She is the one who saved me from myself. She is the one who showed me the way with chastity with her demands and expectations.

Today, I am to a point that I feel quite normal and comfortable in my locked up state and sometimes do not realize I I am until I have to urinate. The only person who can provide me the arousal I need to obtain an erection is the holder of the keys, my wife.

Our situation is that I am retired and she still works. Therefore, I have a lot of time to myself. Our arrangement is that when she is working, I am locked up. When we are together, she determines if I am to be unlocked and that usually entails how aroused she is at the time. I do however, get to be unlocked on the weekends, just as long as we are together either in public or at home. I do have to admit that being on her cycle of sexual arousal has created an enhanced sense of arousal in me that I suppose was previously lost to masturbation and porn. I absolutely love this change and would fight tooth and nail now to maintain it. We have both agreed that my chastity has been a God send and we see no changes anytime soon. Frankly, I do believe I would be very disappointed if it were to change.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:01 pm
by iceman47
I have decided to post something every day as I think it will be a great experience to share our daily events with others who truly understand what this journey is all about and why we do it.

Last night I had an overwhelming urge to come out of my cage and top my wife. I moaned a lot lol and she very calmly explained that there was no way I was coming out before my release date. However, she said that I could satisfy her in other ways and perhaps that would relieve the feelings I was having. She makes the rules so I did as I was told and gave her two beautiful orgasms with my tongue and fingers. Actually, she was right in that my desires were quenched just knowing that I had given her the release she needed. You would think by now I would learn that she is never wrong.

Today I am really glad that she denied me last night as I really love being locked up and knowing that she has the keys. Life sure is grand. I need to get off here now because I am getting behind on my chores and I love the look in her eye when she approves of what I have done.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:52 pm
by iceman47
Today was a fantastic day! My new CB6000s arrived and we will be doing some sizing tonight when my wife gets home from work. I can hardly wait, but I will, darn.

I have had all this nervous energy today thinking about the CB6Ks. So much so that I have already finished all my chores and I am just waiting.

I wish every man felt as I do, but then, from reading the posts here, I think most do and this is a very good thing.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:54 am
by biggar
I'm sure you will love the CB6000s as much as we did. I was in our's a couple of years until we upgraded to the Mistress from Mature metal.. I was always interested in a more confining device and this one is even smaller than our CB6000s was. Of course that is because they make them to your totally limp size! You didn't mention what device you were using before. Just curious.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:07 am
by iceman47
Biggar..... We played with the CB6000s last night until we found the right combination of pins and spacers and I absolutely love the way it fits and feels. I plan on wearing it for a long time and you were right.
Previous to this I was wearing a Bon4 and although it was comfortable it never felt like it fit quite right maybe because of the fact that I have a small penis when flaccid and a large scrotum in proportion.
So now I am all locked up in my new device, my wife is happy, I am happy, and all for now is right with the world.
Thank you for your post, feel free anytime. :D

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:05 am
by locked4her55
iceman47, We share some similar situations. I am also retired (married younger) and my wife continues to work. My reason for introducing this lifestyle into our relationship was my excessive masturbation and not being there for my wife sexually. We started out almost 3 years ago with me locked in a CB3000. That didn't last long as I found the CB6000s more suited to my body. After several months and reading many posts about adjusting to your body I got it down to a proper fit.

I was reluctant to move to metal because of the cost and honestly wondering if it could feel any better but eventuality did earlier this year. It's been a great change and when it's time I strongly recommend it. For now, enjoy your CB6000s and after all the adjustments you may find it's time to move up. BTW, wife LOVES it over plastic.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:11 am
by biggar
Quick follow up question for Iceman: Is the Bon4 as hard to put on as it looks? Especially if you have a large sac like you say you do? I've seen a couple of clips at Xtube of guys putting one on and it looked sort of difficult.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:54 pm
by iceman47
I have to admit that putting the Bon4 on can be challenging to say the least. I had to go to the largest ring because I do have a large sac but also because the next size down, which I believe would fit better, was too painful to get on. However, once you get it on and the fit is tolerable, it really is comfortable. Overall, not worth it though.
Biggar...feel free to PM me if you'd like.

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:00 pm
by biggar
Already did! :D

Re: [Iceman47] Wasted Time

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:20 am
by kpb57
The silicone of the Bon4 tends to stick to the skin, which will become quite uncomfortable.
Also the rings (only 3 sizes) are either too tight or too loose (balls may slip through - ouch).
