[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

In the office today for the third day in a row and that means and has meant limited opportunities to post much on the forum.
But tomorrow and Friday are both working at home and then the weekend of course so I can catch up.

Another thing that's limited my ability to post is this new ridiculous 'technology curfew' as Miss Emmie calls it. No phone or computer once told in the evening. Attention has to be directed towards her, not my screen. It's not even as if it's a punishment for anything. It's just part of our new routine.

Anyway, another tick on the chart after a largely uneventful night. Just some lying there feeling snugly tight in the Nub for a while as an erection attempt or two was contained and prevented. Frustrating as usual but bearable.

One day closer to unlocking.
More when I can.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

Ridiculous, Herbi?
Are you sure?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by slave d »

Herbi Herbi Herbi seems you’re just opening your mouth to change feet !! Good luck !

MsM’s ld
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Oh Gawd..
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I was unable to provide any update last night because the technology curfew kicked in as soon as I walked in the door on getting home from work. There was the usual greeting, hugs, kisses, and “how was your day?” discussion which was, as always, a very much two-way process. He are a touchy feely physical contact sort of couple. As per normal routine I had a shower and, as always, it made me feel that the day's work was behind me and the evening could begin. That daily process marks an important transition point for me. Emmi had put out some comfortable clothes for me so I dried off and put them on, then went downstairs to find her. I could smell dinner cooking.

As soon as I got downstairs, another quick kiss from Emmi, followed by one word. Strip. I'd only just got dressed for heaven's sake, but I did as I was told, without a word of course. A smile and a hug from her.

She asked if I was hungry and I said that I was. She replied that dinner would be about another 20 minutes or so and that sounded fine to me. Then she said “Kneel” so I knelt, pulled her leggings down and did everything she wanted.


I remained kneeling on the floor as required after this last command. I have learnt that kneeling on the floor for any length of time gets very uncomfortable, but I stayed there while she went to deal with the food.

During the meal there was lots to talk about including everything she had done to get ready for Friday when we have guests arriving for dinner. She had had a busy day. I thanked and praised her for that but then I got a little speech. Actually quite a long speech. She started by saying that she realised that what I had ended up with in this experiment was not quite what I had expected, that there was far more to it, and that she was doing things that I hadn't anticipated. I couldn't disagree. She went on to list some of what those differences were: the level of obedience that she required, one word commands, the length of the experiment (a whole year), being kept naked, the “no touching of balls” rule, and finally the technology curfew. (There may have been other things in there that I've missed) All these things, she said, were being done for a reason, and that reason was to focus me on being aware of how our relationship works differently when one person is dominant. She said that “It just happens to be me that's being dominant now, because of our choice to add enforced chastity in our lives.”.

It really was quite a little speech (I've shortened and paraphrased it here) but then she told me that “Today doesn't count”, meaning a further delay to my unlocking. The technology curfew was, like all the other things, there for a reason and the reason was that in the evenings, she wanted my attention to be directed at her, and not my phone or computer. Put like that, it sounded entirely justified and reasonable. So referring to it (the curfew) as 'ridiculous' was, in her eyes, disrespectful (to her) and dismissive (of rules), and showed a lack of commitment to the new lifestyle experiment. Put like that, she made me feel so guilty!

My turn to speak and I told her how sorry I was for use of that word 'ridiculous' and how I now understood the importance of everything that she was doing and the reasons behind it all. Maybe I went overboard with it all just a bit, I don't know. She listened intently, accepted my apology, adding that punishment of the day not counting still stood. I accepted that. We'd long finished eating by now and I was sent to wash the plates, tidy away etc. I had no desire to make a fuss about that after all she'd done during the day and how she'd made me feel with her speech.

Returning to the living room, she looked up, smiled and said “All fours”. Slightly puzzled because no use of the key, but I got down on my hands and knees and she sat beside me. She almost dragged the leg nearest her towards her so that there was space between my thighs and then reached between them and grabbed me by the balls, caressing them in her hand. Still no mention of unlocking.

Em: I'm glad we had that discussion. I want you to know that I am still determined to make this whole thing work. You don't have a choice any more. Do you realise and understand that, Herbi?
Me: Yes, Miss Emmie. I understand.
Em: Good. Well done. Would you like me to unlock you?
Me: Yes, please, Miss Emmie.
Em: You don't need to say please. It wasn't an offer. I was just asking if you'd like me to. Would you?
Me: Yes, I would like that, but it's your choice not mine, Miss Emmie.
Em: That's right, it is, and I'm not going to unlock you, but would you like me to carry on holding these? [she gave them a little squeeze]
Me: It would be nice if you'd like to Miss Emmie.

She did carry on playing with them and I of course, was solid in the cage. Then she suddenly stopped, let go, and said “I'd like you to make me come again”

Oh what an evening! Of course I made her come again. I also washed her in the bathtub, gave her a full body massage, and another orgasm before settling down for the night. She settled down quickly in the end. It took me rather longer.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by slave d »

I hope you are starting to realise what a lucky guy you are ? Yes the changes take a while but the growth in feeling you will get will make it so worth it. Obviously that’s just my opinion after my experiences since 2014 when we started on our journey but honestly I’m jealous of where you are at the moment. I hope you find that the ups and downs you’re feeling at the moment smooth out into a high level arousal that you will learn to crave. Anyway, this is your journal and I apologise for prattling on but I wish you both heaps of luck !!

MsM’s ld
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

slave d wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:40 am I hope you are starting to realise what a lucky guy you are ? Yes the changes take a while but the growth in feeling you will get will make it so worth it. Obviously that’s just my opinion after my experiences since 2014 when we started on our journey but honestly I’m jealous of where you are at the moment. I hope you find that the ups and downs you’re feeling at the moment smooth out into a high level arousal that you will learn to crave. Anyway, this is your journal and I apologise for prattling on but I wish you both heaps of luck !!

MsM’s ld
It's fine to pop in and I don't think of it as prattling. Thank you for your comment.

During Emmi's speech I realised just how much preparation she'd put into this 'project' or experiment, and how much she is working on it. Suddenly, it really did make sense. Not that it hadn't made sense before, but now it just all clicked into place.

At first, I was shocked by the technology curfew, disliked it, couldn't see why would introduce it (except as a punishment maybe, but this wasn't a punishment, it was a new routine, a new normal if you like). I didn't see the need for it. Her explanation last night made sense. So did her decision to punish for use of the word 'ridiculous'. Of course it wasn't ridiculous to her. It was totally serious with a clear and definite benefit.

The curfew is just one example. I can now see how almost everything she is doing has the same goal. Maybe to say that goal is to focus attention on our relationship, and of course, her, is too simplistic, but I think it's something like that.

Yes, a lot of things fell into place last night. I thank Emmi for that, and her foresight and persistence and patience.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Glad to be finished work early today and can spend time with Emmie.
I'll be helping to cook and we have some planning to do for tomorrow evening with our friends.

It feels different today, knowing what Emmie's real thoughts are on our chastity adventure and also knowing that they were her thoughts all along, even though she hadn't shared them with me. I feel like I've been bumbling along without any direction or even any clue about what was going on. All I've really been thinking about was how many days until I get unlocked. That's changed now. It all seems so much clearer today.

Not that today has been easy as I enter my third week locked. Nearly matched my previous best of 16 nights, but still a few more to do after that. Emmie went for a longer period of lockup this time but has also added extra nights (consequences) so that end date seems to keep on creeping away from me. Nights have seen persistent nocturnals (as we now refer to them) that are not painful or uncomfortable but do still keep me awake. Now it seems that the nocturnals are being supplemented with daytime erections too, also not uncomfortable but distracting, frustrating and largely unhelpful as I'm working.

This evening, once we've eaten, I am sure the techno-curfew will kick in but for now, I am allowed to carry on. When the time comes, I will be happy to put phone and computer aside and forget about them until tomorrow. It will be nice to settle down on the settee together and just cuddle, or whatever she has in mind. Probably CFNM but I'm fine with that.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Well that was one of the worst nights for a long time. I woke at 1am or thereabouts, with a battle going on between cock and cage and that was it. I think I was awake for about 3 hours then before getting back to sleep but even then, it wasn't sound sleep as I woke to further skirmishes going on in the cage. Last night wasn't just a case of getting hard and sitting there trapped in the cage waiting. It was constant surges of power trying (unsuccessfully of course) to break free and get properly erect. Went on and on. I was getting to the point of punching the wall or yelling out so I got up and made myself a drink.

Why so different last night? I have no idea. The evening had been pleasant enough and nothing to cause a bad night as far as I can see. Cuddled up watching a bit of TV and sipping away at a glass of red wine, then responding to a request from Emmie to service her before settling down for the night. And then that!

I've now had a shower, got dressed, and have work to do so will get on. Hopefully my work will be a distraction because I am hard again already.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by slave d »

Your system will slowly but surely realise it’s not a battle it can win (if nobody lets it !!) and things will settle a little. Then you’ll crave that feeling of arousal when it occurs.

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
After a year post covid of “freedom” I am trialing a good old HT V3 nub modified by me to have a glans ring so no pullout. Working well so far.
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